Ate Whole Thing

I wanted to show my gumbo before I finish eating. This is my own recipe home-made gumbo. I have to get back to eating for now. UPDATE: It is now the next day, and I am struggling to figure out today’s menu. After I finish up in my garden, I will eat an apple with tomato and dressing. Then, I will pull my car out in order to find something totally delicious; maybe I will drive to Jefferson Parish for some fine cuisine.

On to more news from last year at this time…
The Prince William and Prince Harry rift.

I have to study the below tweet to find out the validity. So much was made of Prince William’s gracious invite to Harry and Meghan to join him and his wife in honoring the Queen. Was it a genuine olive branch?

What is true about William’s invite?

I am like the yellow cat in the video because in my younger years I used to like bullies to flare up and act all scary around me. Then, I could take them down and slap some sense into them.

Yellow cat stoops to conquer.
FOOD is what I want to talk about next. I cooked what is in the next picture.

GAZETTE (August 30) –.I almost ate the whole burger in this picture. What I bought was the burger in the lower picture with 2 beef patties. I bought and ate two of them. The upper picture has six patties. So, I almost ate that six-pattie burger. In fact, I ate another bun with the 2 burgers; so, I actually did eat as much as what’s is in the upper picture.

Can you eat this?

I re-watched this video, and went on a fun nostalgic ride. The video amazed me because I forgot that I made it. I used an app to make the female voice. I spoke into the app and it made the female voice.

Ferdie werdie

Out of chicken. WHAT??

Meanwhile, I also liked this video below of Marilyn Monroe showing just 3 pictures. Her movies and pictures have totally lasted the test of time. She looks as fresh now as when her pictures were taken.

About ferdieWerdie

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